Anne Healey


Admitted as a Barrister in NSW in 1994
Accredited Mediator

Anne has over 30 years’ experience assisting clients to achieve the best results, as an advocate in both criminal and civil cases, in inquests and inquiries, and through mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. She has extensive experience appearing in civil matters involving personal injury, in particular, cases involving sexual abuse and other acts of violence, as well as in family provision and discrimination matters.

Anne is an accredited mediator. She was appointed to the Panel of Civil Mediators and the Criminal Case Conference Convenors Panel for the ACT Supreme Court in 2023. She has also been appointed to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the NSW Bar Association for 2024-2025.

Anne is an experienced criminal barrister who accepts briefs for the prosecution and the defence in criminal trials and appeals, and is a member of the Legal Aid Specialist Barrister Panel (Complex Criminal Law) and the Criminal Appellate Panel. She is also briefed as a non-salaried Crown Prosecutor by the NSW Office of Public Prosecutions.

She served on the NSW Bar Council from 2006 to 2014, and has been on numerous committees of the NSW Bar Association.

Anne was appointed a Primary Member of the Legal Aid Review Committee in 2022, having served as a Member of that Committee since 2002.

In 2015 Anne was the recipient of the inaugural Woman Lawyer of the Year Award in the Women Lawyers Association Achievement Awards. She was elected to the Executive Committee of the NSWWLA in 2023 and was on the subcommittee to create an award to honour the late Justice Jane Mathews AO at the University of Wollongong.

Anne is dedicated to her clients and to the rule of law, thorough in all aspects of her work and aims for the highest personal integrity and professionalism.

Anne’s curriculum vitae is available upon request.



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