Chambers News

Judicial Impartiality and COVID 19: A Fireside Chat with Judge David Re

May 17, 2021 | FJC News

Wai Kaey Soon, Immediate Past President AALA NSW Branch, Lee-May Saw Committee Member & Data and Policy Subcommittee Chair AALA NSW Branch, and Ronny Chen Committee Member AALA NSW Branch speak to Judge David Re, Australia’s longest serving international judge who has recently completed a term of appointment as a Presiding Judge of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

Judge Re provides details of his own career journey and valuable advice to those with an interest in a career in international law. Judge Re shares his unique perspective and key insights on procedures for judicial disqualification in an international context, drawing on his experience as a prosecutor and judge working in hybrid civil and common law systems involving legal teams and judicial benches of lawyers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

The video can be seen on LinkedIn HERE or on YouTube HERE